Three of the precious people in my life are what I call behind-the-scenes women. They don’t seek attention or acknowledgement. They are the nurturers, the encouragers, the humble servants.
Although my mother has not been with me for many years, her strong influence causes me to remember her daily. She was rather shy, but she genuinely cared about others, and they knew it. People confided in her, and she had a multitude of friends. She was my biggest cheerleader, and I never questioned her love. My mother was not just my mom. She was my friend.
Fortunately, when I went to college, Margie was there to take my mother’s place as the chief nurturer in my life. She saw me through some turbulent years. After college, we didn’t see each other or talk often. Then last September five of us who were college friends had a reunion. I watched Margie interact with us in her calm, accepting manner and remembered why I had loved her so much. She is the wife who lets her husband have the glory, the mother who helps her children shine, the sister who offers wise counsel, and the friend who is always supportive. Today is Margie’s birthday, and I’m thinking of her with love and gratitude.
Twenty years ago I only knew The Listener casually. Then, during a difficult time, I prayed for a week that God would guide me to the right person to talk to, and I repeatedly felt led to The Listener. She got me through that crisis, and from then on she was stuck with me. When I talk to her, she makes me feel like I’m the most important person in the world. She helps me clarify situations and reassures me that I’m a better person than I think I am. The Listener helps so many people, but she doesn’t seek credit for it. When I grow up, I want to be just like her.
If you know a wonderful behind-the-scenes person, take time to thank him or her today. They are truly wind beneath our wings. (Awwwwww.)
And remember:
Just for the accuracy of your physics it is the wind above the wings that allows for the flight of birds, airplanes, etc..
Ah, yes, but that doesn't make for as pretty a song...
God Bless,
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