Saturday, November 14, 2009

Give Us This Week Our Weekly Bread

One of my favorite lines is “The only thing domestic about me is that I was born in this country.” Those traditionally female activities like cleaning house and cooking don’t usually interest me much. Fortunately, Dr. Lobo is an independent guy who doesn’t demand much caretaking, so he has stuck around in spite of my homemaking limitations.

For most of the last year, however, I have baked bread about once a week. This is truly amazing, since it involves more than cooking. I also have to keep bread start alive by feeding it regularly. This requires a level of commitment I don’t usually exhibit. (Sometimes I wonder how I managed to feed three children every day for all those years.)

Other than my novel, the writing piece that has brought me the most money is a humor article describing my disastrous attempts to make something called “Amish Friendship Bread.” The title was “Trouble From the Start.” Now, in spite of my earlier bread experience, I keep bread start in the refrigerator, feed it faithfully, and . . . MAKE BREAD!

There must be a need for domesticity somewhere deep in my soul, because I like making bread. I love the yeasty smell. I love the feeling of dough in my hands as I knead it. I love the way it rises. I love the way it smells while it’s baking. I love the way it melts butter. And oh my, I love eating it!

I’m not the only one who loves this bread. These days, I’m improving my chances of keeping Dr. Lobo here. As long as I keep the bread start alive, the marriage should survive as well.


Carol said...

Yum! Love your mixer!

Pastor Kathy said...

I used to feed a bread start that I kept going for several generations. We called it Herman. Herman XXIII was martyred during our 1995 vacation to Indiana by starvation in our almond-colored dungeon in the land of Frigid-aire. We fed Herman's remains to the birds, which I believe was a popular medieval method of disposal.

Oklahoma Granny said...

Your bread looks so YUMMY! I've never been successful with bread dough starter. I guess I'm just not good at the whole feeding thing. But I LOVE your mixer!

Okie Book Woman said...

Oklahoma Granny, I started this bread thing with trepidation, as I've not been very successful with it in the past. But my friend had made it for years, and I loved the bread and wanted to learn how to make it myself. (She makes it every week for our communion bread; sure beats the hard little wafers we used to eat!) It's pretty easy to make, especially now that I have my beautiful new mixer that does all the mixing.

I usually make cinnamon rolls with part of the dough, too, and they are delicious.

Margaret said...

recipe please, surely there is a way to start the "starter"

Okie Book Woman said...

Margaret, that's been one of the great mysteries of life for me. Somewhere, someone had to start a start. But how? If you want to come to my house, I'll give you some of my bread start. Otherwise, my suggestion is to go to and find her recipe for "Grandmother Bread." (Suzanne is a great blogger. I read her blog every day.) Or look for other yeast type recipes on the internet. They're probably all pretty much alike.